@article{oai:kusw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000331, author = {湯舟, 貞子}, issue = {1}, journal = {ヒューマンケア研究学会誌, The Journal of Japanese Society of Human caring Research}, month = {Sep}, note = {Nepal is located between China and India, and it is a multiethnic nation with over 50 different ethnic groups. Among these people are Newars who became established in the Kathmandu Valley. Among the total population of Nepal, there are Hindus (86.51%), Buddhists (7.78%), and Muslims (3.53%). The age distribution is as follows: 16.2% are ages 0-4 years, 26.2% are 5-14 years, 19.5% are 15-24 years, 5.4% are over 60 years, 3.41% are over 65 years, and 46.8% are women 15-19 years. Due to numerous taboos and prohibitions in the caste system policies, there are limited job opportunities and job mobility. In this study, we investigated the primary factors of maternal consciousness in Nepal.}, pages = {61--63}, title = {Various Aspects of Maternal Consciousness in a Developing Country −Comparisons among Castes in Nepal−}, volume = {5}, year = {2013} }